01 The bumps are what we climb on

Encouragement for difficult days:

Thanks to Rev Eugene Worely for this book! It’s priceless! Warren W. Wiersbe passes on hope and comfort for times when we are faced with depression, frustration, disappointment or loneliness.

Is it just me, or has anybody else gotten upset when things go wrong, and someone tells us with a smile on their face that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28). For a long time, I’ve had problems seeing the comfort in this verse.
It is, however, true that our problems and challenges in life help us to develop a stronger character, and also increases our experience in solving problems. Also, by experiencing difficulties, we can more easily sympathize with people who suffer hardships.
It is the bumps that we climb on. If our road is straight and problem-free, we ought maybe to check if we’re going the right direction. When we walk the way God wants us to walk, there will be opposition from the enemy. If we remember the people of the Bible, many of them faced great hardships; Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, Paul etc.
Charlie Brown in Peanuts are told by Lucy “Remember, Charlie Brown, you learn more from your defeats than you do from your victories.” And Charlie Brown replies, “That should make me the smartest man in the world!”
Sometimes, we feel like Charlie Brown. We go from defeat to defeat! But that is mostly our focus that does that. We all have both victories and defeats in life. there needs to be a balance!
Let’s use those boulders we encounter in life for climbing higher on our walk for God, and not merely see them as hindrances! All things does work together for good! God will protect us like He said in Psalms 91 and many other places!
We need to try and see that our glass is half full, not half empty…

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